TA Rating VS MGO Rating Explained

TA Rating VS MGO Rating Explained

MGO (Methylglyoxal) Rating: MGO rating is a measure of the Methylglyoxal content present in honey. Methylglyoxal is a compound found naturally in honey, and it is responsible for its antibacterial properties. The MGO rating indicates the concentration of Methylglyoxal in the honey, which correlates with its antibacterial potency. Generally, the higher the MGO rating, the greater the antibacterial activity of the honey. MGO rating is commonly used to assess the quality and potency of Manuka honey, a type of honey known for its strong antibacterial properties.

TA (Total Activity) Rating: TA rating is a measure of the overall antibacterial activity of honey, taking into account various antibacterial compounds present in honey, such as hydrogen peroxide, phytochemicals, and other factors. TA rating represents the combined effects of these compounds and provides an indication of the honey's overall effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of bacteria and pathogens. A higher TA rating suggests greater antibacterial activity and thus, potentially greater health benefits. TA rating is commonly used to assess the quality and potency of medicinal honeys, particularly those used for therapeutic purposes.

In summary, while MGO rating specifically measures the Methylglyoxal content in honey, TA rating provides a broader assessment of its overall antibacterial activity. Both ratings are important indicators of the quality and potency of honey, particularly in terms of its potential health benefits.

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